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What's New for 2024 - You Are Reading This for A Reason...

Writer: MaddyMaddy

I love writing as it comes to me. I can't sit down and just write for the sake of it. Much like my social media, I write and post as I feel compelled. So, I was thrilled when one of my articles on something that is so important to me was published by Om Yoga Magazine "Navigating Mental Wellness as a Personal Trainer and Yoga Instructor"

For anyone who knows me or has worked with me as a client or collaborator, understanding how to intuitvely respond but also empower those around me, is incredibly important. And, i don't mean that in an airy fairy way. Seeing a genuine change in people's attitude to life and what they are capable of is immensely rewarding. Taking a client from frankly a sobbing mess and words of "i'm sorry" (for no justified reason except that in that typically british way we apologise) to a state of confidence, a belief in self and responding to challnges in a can-do way is huge.

Personal training, yoga instruction, mobility....these are all wonderful things and have the power to make incredible changes, but also changing client perceptions of themselves (inability to lift, move, be in pain, hating their body, feeling worthless, embaressed or ashamed of where they are at physically) to one that enables them to feel able to conquer each day in a more positive but also more productive way is, what I have come to the realisation, what it has been all about.

We can choose to stand in our way or we can choose to create a new path towards a brighter future both mentally and physically


This year has also been another milestone as I celebrated my 2nd year in my studio. In this time I have developed my personal training services to incorporate so much more support for clients through community, mindset, nutritional guidance, small group training that is individualised to each client, a member only video library and much more. I have collaborated with other holistic practitioners to offer unique experiences such as sound baths and yin yoga and been busy behind the scenes updating my knowledge through resistance rehab training, Fundamentals of Somatics (by Thomas Hanna) and managing the menopause through Menopause Movement.

Seeing the benefits of implementing gentle somatic movement with clients returning from injury or with CNS issues and the response in their body is somewhat incredible. The relief of finding movement without pain and just feeling able to move more freely is something we have all probably long forgotten. This has only been through utilising fundamentals of the practice and I hope at some stage I can further my studies into this movement practice. But if you want to know what it's all about and experience this yourself, keep your eyes peeled for the next workshop or book a consultation.

Hitting Menopause

With 50% of the population inevitably going through menopause at a certain point in their lives and the fact that many of my clients fall into the bracket of perimenopausal/menopausal, I wanted to extend my learning into this topic that has become so much more studied, becoming more "accepted" in society but yet still has so much more to be understood and made understandable and accessible by women. If there is one thing I want all women to feel, it is the sense that they deserve as much as the next person to be recgonised as a valuable person in society; to feel confident, to be able to create a strong body that not only sees them through menopause in the healthiest possible way but beyond for lifelong functionality. If you want to discuss how to incorporate weight training to benefit you through peri/menopause, click on the icon above and book a free call today at your convenience!

No women should suffer, feel embaressed or lost because she simply doesn't know how to manage her menopause

Flexibility Training and Men's Health

I was approached by one of my clients almost a year ago now about the potential for a men's only yoga class or something similar. Never did i realise how beneficial this suggestion turned out to be. As a regularly oversubscribed class I have had to grow this offering to accommodate numbers. Why and who comes to these classes?

They are tradesmen, managers, business owners....all shapes, sizes, ages but more importantly with an infectious humour, a willingness to give it a go and actually realising the profound benefit that not only the improved mobility and functional strength they gain, but the camaraderie of other men, a feeling of being able to just be themselves and the ability to recognise stress or overwhlem and how to manage that more effectively. This is truly one of my most favourite groups to teach, seeing the transformation in both the physcial and mental aspects are so profound.

I am looking forward to running more of these style of courses alongside the more traditional yoga classes and for a week this December am opening up my classes for everyone to try out for FREE. If interested, click on the image and drop me an email with which class you would like to attend.


Like so many of my clients, they have a vision, purpose and end goal as to why they have decided to make changes and for me over the last year (since 2022) I chose to tick off something on my bucket list, to compete in a bodybuilding competition. You can read my full story here. But also, post show, the mental and phyiscal toughness it has required to get back to a new place of normal. It has reminded me, more than ever, the tough choices we have to make for our own personal self care and the guilt we hold around prioritising ourselves (before others) in order to be able to be a version of ourselves that we love and not hate.

Hearing clients tell me they have reversed their pre diabetes verdict, lost weight they though wasn't possible, improved their confidence, found greater joy in movement / mobility, lifting heavy things with ease, not struggling to sit and stand, better regulation of diet and as such reduced fatigue and improved mood....these are just a few things that stand to confirm the benefits of exercise and mindset training for both the mind and body.


I will be bringing back our daytime yoga classes in January with a membership option to bring consistency to your practice. Keep your eyes peeled for updates to the website with this membership. These classes will be suitable for all levels with a focus on vinyasa (free flowing movement). This is a great way for those who maybe have been thinking about doing yoga or done a bit here and there via online or are a bit nervous about attending large scale classes, to get a full, in person session in a beautiful warm studio environment in classes up to a maximum of 6! If interested drop me an email by clicking on the link:

There is so much more I want to bring to the table and develop. Having inspiring, creative people around me makes all the difference. From amazing friends and collaborators to the clients who are genuinly determined to better themselves in the knowlegde that sometimes that means facing their vulnerablities / insecurities whilst still pushing themselves forward, shows huge strength and determination and is part of my "why" to also keep going and challenge myself to be better at what i do and can offer. If you feel inspired and want to take the next step towards a happier, healthier and stronger mind and body why not book a call today to discuss:

Here's what some of my clients have to say:

"Have been attending semi private training for about 12 months now. Initially there were only two of us in the group. Progress was great, we both had individual training programmes as we both had different needs. during this period I have lost weight, gained strength and my type 2 diabetes has gone in to remission.

Thank you Mads!

After about nine months Maddy put it to us that she would like to enlarge the group, we both agreed although I didn't think it would work, too many people. I thought I would lose out on training for my individual needs.

I was so, so wrong. Having more people in the group has given me a kick up the arse I needed. I see the hard work and dedication of others and am inspired by them. Due to great planning, differentiation and thought Maddy has tailored structured individual training plans for all. This isn't "one size fits all" training.

I feel there is no competition within the group as we all have different needs and are doing different things. I haven't spoken with the others but I feel we all feed off of each other to push ourselves to work harder and to move on to greater achievements. Almost forgot to say, it's also great fun!

If you're thinking of semi private or any other form of training with Maddy you really must jump in with both feet, you certainly won't regret it.

All of this couldn't happen without the professionalism, dedication and sense of fun provided by Maddy.

Cheers Mads!" - Terry F

"I made a decision back in the summer that I wanted to do strength training. Im the wrong side of 55 and a bit broken...

I didn't anticipate the many different layers of 'strength' training I would achieve....mental and physical. There have been some sacrifices along the way. I had to make a decision between paying for therapy, for long entrenched depression and anxiety and paying for semi private PT sessions 🙃. My weekly strength training session has provided therapy in many forms. The lovely people I get to meet fighting their own demons and using their bodies as a way of helping the outside in..The support, camaraderie and great skill that Maddy brings to each session is such a boost. I am changing!  My body is changing but so is my mind set. I can lift weights I never thought I could. More importantly I'm finding strength in my thinking. Its a financial commitment I make over other commitments. For me definitely a necessity not a luxury. I have finally come off antidepressants after 22 years ... my pants are a little looser and my head less wobbly.

I have physio, psychotherapy and team work all in one go. 

Thanks ❤️ to all you inspirational people .. and a special thanks to Maddy for making it 'real' " - Fran C

"About 2 years ago, I got sick of myself. I was bottom of the pile, abandoning my needs and pretty upset with how I looked and felt. I was pretty active, I walked every day, enjoyed the odd run, I’m a yoga teacher so I practice that near on daily, but the walks were for my dogs, the runs were for my wine and the yoga was for my students. None of it was really for me. I felt physically weak and doughy. I met Maddy, for something else initially but through our chats I was reminded of the person I used to be (in the gym before work) and realised it wasn’t too late to start again. I sort of was ish committed to 1 session a week but still my other priorities and responsibilities seemed to take over. Back last Feb a switch went off in my head and I decided to fully commit to training again, I rarely spent money on myself so I joined semi private training twice per week. I’ve made some really good friends in the process and am now back in the gym which was a real block for me. I’ve even decided to start power lifting 🤣 who knew? I couldn’t even dead lift without wanting to throw up 8 months ago 😄 you have to watch her though, she’s not always honest about what weight you lifted the week before…. But she’ll convince you you can… before you know it those big weights are in your hand and above your head! Magic really 🤣 

I wish I had the confidence in myself that she does in me… but that will come.

Making my health a priority is the best thing I could have done for myself and my kids.

Thanks Mads x " - Natalie W

After 2 weeks in hospital I turned to Maddy when my diabetes was really starting to impact on my health and knew I had to do something different to change my lifestyle. I am so pleased I did.

Workouts were varied and enjoyable, I felt challenged but always better for it and was delighted to see improvements so quickly. Maddy gave excellent support and I found her extensive knowledge really valuable, especially with healthy eating advice.

I can honestly say my health and diabetes has significantly improved since joining Energise Wellbeing and my lifestyle now incorporates exercise in one form or another every day.

I would completely recommend Energise Wellbeing to anyone who feels they need that extra bit of help and support. It can be hard work but is also fun and the feeling of being in control of my health makes such a difference.

Thank you Maddy - Richard B

Want to know more?

Check out my website, instagram, facebook and youtube for loads of free information to support your wellbeing journey.

Want to make true change for 2024?

To be free of pain (muscular/joint/CNS)?

Increase energy and reduce fatigue?

Build a stronger body?

Develop a resilient mindset?

If you have read all of this, then this is your sign that today is when change begins for you towards a new journey of a stronger, healthier and happier life. Book a call today to discuss what it is you truly want to change.


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